Annual Schedule of City Sikhs Events
City Sikhs run a number of events every year and this list provides details of the major events. Some events are in collaboration with other organisations.
MAR – ‘Politics in the City’ in partnership with City Hindus Network at Parliament. This is an annual flagship event featuring leading parliamentarians from the various political parties.
APR – Parliamentary launch of the ‘British Sikh Report’ at Parliament in partnership with the British Sikh Report team.
APR – ‘Vaisakhi in the Square’ in partnership with the Mayor of London’s office. A family event in the heart of London celebrating Sikh culture.
MAY – Midlands Launch of the British Sikh Report at Birmingham Council in partnership with the British Sikh Report team.
JUN – ‘Recipes for Success’ at Parliament. This is an annual flagship event featuring leading British Sikhs sharing their life journeys and perspectives on success.
JUL – No Events
AUG – Grand Trunk Project events [Various cities across the UK]
SEP/OCT – Ambassador & Advisory Board Networking Events
NOV/DEC – No Events