Thank you for purchasing an advertising package

Next Step

Depending on which package you have bought please see the next actions you need to take:

Linkedin / Facebook Group Post

1. Please email to let us know which package you have bought

2. Proceed with making the post and you’re done !

Note: If the post requires approval it will be approved within 2 days


1. Please email to let us know you have bought a tweet

2. Include a picture (if any) you would like to include plus the tweet text and day/time you would like this to go out

Calender Post

1. Please email to let us know you have bought a calender post

2. Go to and complete the form and then press submit and you’re done !

This permanent post will be approved by the team within 5 days

Newsletter External Event Inclusion

1. Please email to let us know you have bought a newsletter inclusion advert

2. Include the following information for your event in your email:

– Name of event
– Link to event
– Address
– Date
– Start and end time

This event will be included within the next newsletter. A newsletter is usually sent every 15 days.

Newsletter Information Inclusion

1. Please email to let us know you have bought a newsletter inclusion advert

2. Include the following information for your event in your email:

– Title of advert
– Up to 100 word description
– Link to external website / contact details

This event will be included within the next newsletter. A newsletter is usually sent every 15 days.

Newsletter Banner Advert

1. Please email to let us know you have bought a 3 month banner package

2. Include the following information for your event in your email:

– Banner advert
– Link to external website

This event will be included within the next newsletter. A newsletter is usually sent every 15 days. A minimum of 5 mailers will include the banner.